HSN Series Internal Gear

Type HS Four-point Contact Ball


Click series for Specification Chart

Schematic Diagram:


HSN Series slewing bearings are a Single-row Four-point Contact Ball Slewing Bearing that consists of two seating rings. HSN Series slewing bearings are compact, lightweight, and have four-point contact between the steel balls and the arc raceway. It can bear axial force, radial force, and overturning moment simultaneously. It applies to engineering machinery, such as slewing conveyors, welding manipulators, small-and-medium cranes, and excavators.

No Model Dimensions Mounting Dimensions Structural Dimensions Gear data Gear force Weight
n mm n1
x m
z Tempering
T 104N
1 HSN.25.625 725 525 80 685 565 18 18 3 626 624 68 12 60 1.4 5 498.8 101 5.2 100
HSN.25.625A 1.15 6 496.7 84 6.2
2 HSN.25.720 820 620 80 780 660 18 18 3 721 719 68 12 60 1.4 6 586.6 99 6.2 120
HSN.25.720A 1 8 582.3 74 8.3
3 HSN.30.820 940 705 95 893 749 24 20 4 821 818 83 12 70 1.4 6 664.5 112 7.2 210
HSN.30.820A 1 10 658 67 12.2
4 HSN.30.880 1000 760 95 956 800 24 20 4 881 878 83 12 70 1.15 8 718.2 91 9.7 230
HSN.30.880A 1 10 707.9 72 12.2
5 HSN.30.1020 1170 875 95 1120 930 24 22 4 1021 1018 80 15 70 1.4 8 830.1 105 9.7 300
HSN.30.1020A 1.15 10 827.8 84 12.2
6 HSN.30.1220 1365 1075 120 1310 1130 36 24 6 1221 1218 105 15 90 1.4 10 1027.8 104 15.7 450
HSN.30.1220A 1 12 1017.3 86 18.8
7 HSN.35.1250 1400 1090 120 1350 1150 36 26 6 1251 1248 105 15 90 -0.35 10 1037 105 15.7 520
HSN.35.1250A 1 12 1028.8 87 18.8
8 HSN.35.1435 1595 1278 120 1535 1335 36 26 6 1436 1433 105 15 90 1.15 12 1221.2 103 18.8 610
HSN.35.1435A 1 14 1214.8 88 21.9
9 HSN.35.1540 1720 1360 140 1660 1420 42 26 6 1541 1538 122 18 110 1.4 12 1293.1 109 23 732
HSN.35.1540A 1.15 14 1284.8 93 26.8
10 HSN.35.1700 1875 1525 140 1815 1585 42 29 6 1701 1698 122 18 110 1.15 14 1452.7 105 26.8 844
HSN.35.1700A 1.15 16 1452.3 92 30.5
11 HSN.40.1880 2100 1665 160 2030 1740 48 32 6 1881 1878 140 20 115 1.4 14 1592.6 115 27.8 1400
HSN.40.1880A 1.15 18 1579.9 89 35.8
12 HSN.40.2115 2325 1900 160 2245 1980 48 32 6 2116 2113 140 20 115 1.4 16 1804.1 114 31.9 1600
HSN.40.2115A 1.15 20 1795.4 91 40
13 HSN.40.2370 2600 2146 180 2520 2220 48 32 6 2371 2368 158 22 130 1.4 18 2065.6 116 40.7 2100
HSN.40.2370A 1.15 22 2040.9 94 49.7
14 HSN.40.2600 2835 2365 180 2750 2450 54 36 6 2601 2598 158 22 130 1.4 18 2263.5 127 37.6 2400
HSN.40.2600A 1.15 22 2260.8 104 45.9
15 HSN.50.2820 3085 2555 200 3000 2640 54 36 6 2822 2818 178 22 150 1.4 20 2455 124 52.2 3400
HSN.50.2820A 1.15 25 2444.1 99 65.3
16 HSN.50.3120 3400 2840 200 3310 2930 54 36 6 3122 3118 178 22 150 1.4 22 2722.5 125 57.4 4000
HSN.50.3120A 1.4 25 2719 110 65.3
17 HSN.50.3580 3920 3240 240 3820 3340 60 40 6 3582 3578 218 22 190 1.4 22 3118.4 143 72.7 6700
HSN.50.3580A 1.4 25 3118.8 126 82.6
18 HSN.50.4030 4370 3690 240 4270 3790 66 40 6 4032 4028 218 22 190 1.4 22 3558.3 163 53.6 7700
HSN.50.4030A 1.4 28 3549 128 68.2
19 HSN.50.4540 4860 4210 240 4760 4310 72 40 6 4542 4538 218 22 190 1.4 22 4042.2 185 72.1 8760
HSN.50.4540A 1.4 30 4042.4 136 99.1


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