Angular Contact Bearing (Open, A Type )


Click series for Specification Chart

Schematic Diagram:



HKG series
Type Dimension(inch/mm) Basic Load Ratings(N) Weight
d D L1 L2 L3 Radial Axial
Cor Cr Coa Ca
HKG040A 4 6 4.742 5.258 5.491 42140 20980 121620 60590 1.64
101.6 152.4 120.4 133.6 139.5
HKG042A 4.25 6.25 4.992 5.508 5.741 44230 21690 227710 62630 1.74
107.95 158.75 126.8 139.9 145.8
HKG045A 4.5 6.5 5.242 5.758 5.989 46360 22360 133800 64590 1.79
114.3 165.1 133.1 146.3 152.1
HKG047A 4.75 6.75 5.492 6.008 6.239 48450 23030 139840 66540 1.89
120.65 171.45 139.5 152.6 158.5
HKG050A 5 7 5.742 6.258 6.489 50540 23690 145930 68450 2
127 177.8 145.8 159 164.8
HKG055A 5.5 7.5 6.242 6.758 6.989 54760 25030 158110 72190 2.15
139.7 190.5 158.5 171.7 177.5
HKG060A 6 8 6.742 7.258 7.489 58990 3040 170240 75830 2.3
152.4 203.2 171.2 184.4 190.2
HKG065A 6.5 8.5 7.242 7.758 7.987 63210 27520 182420 79430 2.45
165.1 215.9 183.9 197.1 202.9
HKG070A 7 9 7.742 8.258 8.487 67390 28720 194600 829000 2.66
177.8 228.6 196.6 209.8 215.6
HKG075A 7.5 9.5 8.242 8.758 8.987 71610 29920 206740 86320 2.81
190.5 241.3 209.3 222.5 228.3
HKG080A 8 10 8.742 9.258 9.485 75830 31070 218920 89700 2.97
203.2 254 222 235.2 240.9
HKG090A 9 11 9.742 10.258 10.485 84280 33340 243230 96190 3.27
228.6 279.4 247.4 260.6 266.3
HKG100A 10 12 10.742 11.258 11.483 92680 35520 367550 102500 3.63
254 304.8 272.8 286 291.7
HKG110A 11 13 11.742 12.258 12.481 101120 37650 291860 108640 3.94
279.4 330.2 298.2 311.4 317
HKG120A 12 14 12.742 13.258 13.481 109530 39690 316220 114590 4.3
304.8 355.6 323.6 336.8 342.4
HKG140A 14 16 14.742 15.258 15.478 126370 43650 364850 126060 4.94
355.6 406.4 374.4 387.6 393.1
HKG160A 16 18 16.742 17.258 17.474 143220 47470 413470 137040 5.62
406.4 457.2 425.2 438.4 443.8
HKG180A 18 20 18.742 19.258 19.472 160110 51120 462280 147570 6.26
457.2 508 476 489.2 494.6
HKG200A 20 22 20.742 21.258 21.468 176960 54670 510730 157750 6.89
508 558.8 526.8 540 545.3


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